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Dream to Reality


Writing a novel has been the biggest accomplishment of my life, besides being the mother of four children.  I would not even mention my children in this post, but I know that if I do not that there will be numerous messages asking how do I not feel fulfilled as a mother or not see that as my life’s biggest accomplishment?  Honestly, being a mother isn’t enough for me and I don’t think that it has to be.  I loved when they were small and my days were so busy from that age old saying, “From Son Up to Son Down.”  Now they are older, they don’t need me in the same manner and that is a good thing.  I have raised strong, independent sons and they will soon move away to be strong, independent men with families of their own.  What of their mother then?  I fear the empty nest syndrome and I do not want to wonder why I failed to live up to my potential as I have always encouraged of my children, so I sat down and committed myself to starting and completing my first novel, Brides Aweigh. 

I have other blog posts where I referenced the book as I was writing it and about two weeks ago, I finished the story.  A historical fiction novel, a genre my mother always told me to write because of my love for history and reference work.  I did enjoy the process, some days more than others.  I am now in the final editing stages and search for publication. 

As would be expected I have a desire to be successful but not only for myself and my children, but because I want the story to be told.  I write because I hope that others can benefit from my words.  In this case I want the rich and fascinating story of the stately Queen Mary to be shared.  I want the world to recognize the incredibly brave journey the British WWII brides made in being reunited with their GI husbands.  Our world would not be as we know it today without these events of the past. 

Yesterday I made an author Facebook page to promote and support all of my writing.  I would appreciate all Like, Follows, and Shares.

If you have a dream, Don’t Give Up, Don’t Settle.  It is never too late to fulfill your destiny.  I know the reality of the publishing world and nothing may come of my novel, but at least I reached my first goal.  Now I have a second and I have faith in my dedication and persistence to accomplish all that I put my mind to.  Thank you for all the support my few followers have given me, in bringing my dream to a reality!

Published inBook


  1. I am impressed that you found the time and energy to write with four boys in the house, but since you enjoy it, you were probably refreshed by doing it. 😉
    I hope your book gets published. I want to read it!
    I just created a wordpress account today so that I could read your updates. Who knows, maybe I’ll write something too.

    • Autumn Brooke Autumn Brooke

      Thank You so much Becky!!! I hope so too as their story was one that deserved telling and I would love for it to be heard. Please continue to Like, Follow, and Share. If you are start writing, please let me know!

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