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Tag: #historycomesalive

Keeping History Alive

This past Sunday, January 7th was the 75th anniversary of the Golden Globes.  Surprisingly there was not a lot of fuss made over the fact that it was a significant anniversary but I believe that was due to the attention given to the #MeToo and #TimesUp campaign.  The acceptance speeches typically filled with gratitude and thanks were instead used to advocate women equality.  Although inspirational, that is not what I found most interesting about the awards.  What really impressed me were how many nominations there were for feature films and television shows that are paying tribute to people and events of the past.  I have a passion for educating our future generations about the details of our rich history and to have these characters and stories be recognized as some of the best in entertainment is very exciting to me.   Some of those that were nominated were Darkest Hour, Dunkirk, The Crown, Handmaids Tale, and Mudbound.  All are based on true accounts of real people and events.  To imagine the extraordinary circumstances that people lived through puts my life into perspective.  I am forced to realize that my daily struggles fail to compare to those that have had such an impact that their stories are still being told years later.  The likelihood of me ever doing anything remotely as influential as those shared in these few stories is pretty much non-existent but I do hope to contribute in my own way to our world.  As a writer that strives to Keep History Alive, I also use real events and people to influence my work.  Creating characters of those that have already lived through the remarkable and are just waiting to share their experience.  Actor Gary Oldman won a Golden Globe Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama with his portrayal of British Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill in the film, ‘Darkest Hour’.  In Oldman’s acceptance speech he stated; “I’m very proud of ‘The Darkest Hour’. It illustrates that words and actions can change the world.”  I will continue to write, to share my words with the world so that however big or small, I too, can make an impact to create change in our world.

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Neverending Journey

Do any of us actually reach our final destination?  I hope not, as even in our passing or final resting place, I can only hope that our purpose will continue to live on and inspire others.  As we come into Memorial Day Weekend and I think of our fallen men and women that have given their lives for our country, I can only find it fitting that today is the 81st Anniversary of the RMS Queen Mary’s first international crossing from Southampton to New York.  A year ago, I shared my amazing experience as a guest for her 80th Anniversary Celebration of this iconic maiden voyage and this blog is inspired by the social media posts that I am seeing to remind me of such a glorious weekend.

However, my viewpoint of this day, this weekend is more vast then I originally ever credited and I feel the need to share my thoughts with you.  This ship holds a special place in my heart for many reasons and in getting to know her, I most admire her service to this country during WWII.  In my research, I agree with Sir Winston Churchill that laid claim to his opinion that had it not been for her continued transports of troops we may not have won that war.  This December will be the 50th anniversary of Queen Mary’s final docking in Long Beach, Calif.

However, I do not find this to be her final destination because her journey continues in educating the masses in world history.  She unfortunately had the military honor of bringing men that may not have been able to walk themselves down the gangplank as they reached home soil, but their story was not over….. for their final destination gave birth to a story to be told for history.  Their lives mattered, so much so that we continue to celebrate their lives and sacrifice today.

The books and movies that we read or view don’t give justice to all that they encountered, but they do give us hope and should encourage us to strive for greatness in all that we do.  In actuality what comes to my mind is the Core Values that were instilled within me as a member of our Armed Forces and I hope to Inspire in Others …Integrity first, Service before self, and Excellence in all we do. These are the Air Force Core Values.

What it breaks down to is that the journey is never over.  Little by little, Step by step, Move forward, Always move forward……  Reach that Goal, That Destination, but don’t ever stop, for once you recognize that the Journey is never over… you will realize that it was never about you in the first place.  Our lives exist for our future generations.  Leave a good Legacy and appreciate the lives that have journeyed before you.

My mission is to Fly, Fight, and Win. I am faithful to a Proud Heritage, A Tradition of Honor, And a Legacy of Valor. I am an American Airman. Guardian of Freedom and Justice, My Nation’s Sword and Shield, Its Sentry and Avenger.

airman’s creed –

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Love Trumps Hate

Let me begin by saying this is NOT a political post despite the way that it looks.  The Inauguration is just the topic of the day, no matter where you look.  My children even came home from school having watched it for an hour or two in their classrooms.  I thought about what I might discuss with them about such an important day in history but unsure of my standpoint on a political level.  My social news feed was crowded with videos of RIOTS for those that were against our new President mostly due to issues on RACE.  This was not a topic I wanted around our dinner table.  What would I say?  These people have a RIGHT to their opinion and to let their voice be heard, but they are wrong to RIOT and cause violence all because of RESENTMENT, RETALIATION, and RETRIBUTION.  These R’s are what seem to be the REASON for so much anger and animosity in our world, not just in regard to politics, but in many areas of our life.  The world seems to be full of people not choosing to forgive, understand, or accept change.  And that is really what it is all about.  CHANGE!  A difficult word for most, certainly hard to accept if one does not initiate it for themselves because it means an unwanted change in circumstance. I teach my children that acceptance is key.  We cannot always get what we want in this life and the sooner we learn to live with it the better.  So, LOVE TRUMPS HATE…. that is the statement of the Day.  It is everywhere today and on both sides.  It is True, as most would choose Love over Hate, my Grandma would say “You can catch more flies with honey, then with vinegar”.  Now I know what I will talk about at the dinner table tonight, as I do not want to raise my children to have serious Entitlement Issues.  What the Military taught me, what they have been teaching for years.  Actually, I think it has just become old school, somewhere along the way we got too soft.    My words for my kids, in any walk of life…. when you cannot change the situation and are forced to accept it, Just Grow Up and Get Over It!


John Grisham – #GiveaBook


Grisham says give a book for Christmas.  Yes, that is the John Grisham, the best-selling author of one or more books a year after his first publication in 1989, with A Time to Kill.  Then leading the Best-Seller List of all 1991 with The Firm, that’s 35 books with this year’s newest release, The Whistler, and if that wasn’t impressive enough, 9 of these books were made into major motion pictures.  As an aspiring writer with dreams of reaching the masses with my own feature film adaptation based off my novel, I listen when Grisham speaks, or in this case, I read when he writes.  I’ve always been a fan, but I can admit I started to pay more attention when he ‘Liked’ an Instagram post of mine (I was ecstatic), then to see that he ‘Followed’ me (I was on Cloud Nine.)  It actually encouraged me to buckle down and pay more mind to what I was writing and posting.

I claim my writing as words of heart, mind, and soul.  I don’t stick to one specific theme in my blogs, instead choosing to write by what weighs on my mind.  My voice to the world in an effort to inspire, motivate, and educate.  I hold myself accountable to how what I write may influence others and the fact that these words are forever more a part of history once posted.  It was with this thought that I saw the above image shared on Instagram by Grisham and knew that was ‘it.’  I reached out to the Grisham Team for permission to share his image and was even emailed a better resolution copy.  (I may have danced around my kitchen at such personal acknowledgement.)

Now comes the hard part, to write a blog worthy of sharing his words, with very little to add as Grisham pretty much says it all, “Give a Book for Christmas.”  The 10 listed reasons are more than enough, but for me, I advocate book giving because of the educational benefits.  I’m known for gifting books or gift cards to bookstores; is there really a better gift?  When you give a book as a gift, you are investing in the future.  Promoting an increased knowledge in comprehension skills, spelling ability, and imagination.

Take time to give the best gift of the season, the opportunity to travel the world in multiple time periods or dimensions.  To lose yourself in another life, spawning new career opportunities that may never have been considered had it not been for that one year, that one specific book was placed under the tree.

          Invest in future generations providing promises of unlimited potential, in hope that they dare to dream and realize that nothing is impossible.


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Maiden Voyage of Queen Mary; 80th Anniversary

8Q Maiden Voyage (1)

Pictured Above is Autumn Brooke & Gabriel Alvarez (writer and illustrator of the History Comes Alive Series and Brides Aweigh), at the Media Event for the 80th Anniversary of the Maiden Voyage for the RMS Queen Mary!

Privileged to meet many distinguished guests.  Those included in the photo collage above would be Commodore Everette Hoard, June Allen (war bride), and her grandson Chris Boots.  Next is the extremely charming Ralph Rushton (bell boy, 1948).  My in depth conversation with Randolph Churchill, Great Grandson of Sir Winston Churchill follows.  Following is the PR director and his son, with the ever so beautiful war bride, waiting gracefully for her daughter.  Two serving Bell Boys for the opening of the gallery opening, of Sir Winston Churchill’s paintings took time to pose, and ‘The Polka Dot Shoes’ (Deservedly worth a mention).

Thank You to Everyone that sacrificed a few moments of their time,

I am truly grateful & honored.

The past four days was a year in the making for myself and business partner/best friend.  At the beginning of 2015, I made a decision to write a historical literary fiction novel that highlighted the Queen Mary’s service in WWII but specifically in relation to the War Brides and their incredible journey.  I was hopeful to share their story in such a way that held commercial appeal so that I could reach a broad and varied audience.  I have been fortunate to have some screen writer’s interest so I hope that I achieved my goal.   History has always been a love of mine, but once I had children it became a true passion.  I began to realize that the past, our history, fades over time and although some may be recorded within the history books, it often becomes lost.  I decided that I needed to teach my boys as much as I could about past events that created or changed our World.  When it is possible to interact with that history, the experience is that much deeper, bringing the history to life.

Almost exactly one year ago today, I was honored to meet a part of living history!  When researching my novel, I reached out to the Queen Mary and was given many resources, but the best was being put in contact with a War Bride, by the name of June Allen.  We shared many conversations but after a few months I was able to meet with her personally aboard the ship.  The more I read, learning about the War Brides and GI’s traveling when she was in-service as the Grey Ghost, the easier it was to imagine how they may have walked the corridors, but awe inspiring to know I was literally sitting with June where she had sat 70 years before.  What a responsibility I was undertaking by not just trying to Keep History Alive, but in the realization I was sharing living history.  Writing their thoughts as they relived what they felt seeing rooms where they had slept as they crossed international waters. 

This week my illustrator, Gabriel and I were presented with an opportunity to attend several Media Only events aboard the Queen Mary to celebrate her Maiden Voyage 80 years ago.  There were many honored guests in attendance, more words to preserve so that we may keep the Memories Alive.  I was star struck, blessed, and thankful creating a feeling of euphoria that glowed over the few days of celebration.  I am sure that I often appeared nervous and scattered to most and if not, I am proud of my composure.  How could one not feel anxious when standing in front of Randolph Churchill as he talked about his great-grandfather, Sir Winston Churchill’s paintings?  Or having the opportunity to dance with Ralph Rushton, a bell boy to 1st Class Waiter serving in 1948. 

It was an incredible week and we will never forget it.  I treasure the memories that were shared with me I we created new memories aboard the extraordinary Queen Mary for future generations.

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Dream to Reality


Writing a novel has been the biggest accomplishment of my life, besides being the mother of four children.  I would not even mention my children in this post, but I know that if I do not that there will be numerous messages asking how do I not feel fulfilled as a mother or not see that as my life’s biggest accomplishment?  Honestly, being a mother isn’t enough for me and I don’t think that it has to be.  I loved when they were small and my days were so busy from that age old saying, “From Son Up to Son Down.”  Now they are older, they don’t need me in the same manner and that is a good thing.  I have raised strong, independent sons and they will soon move away to be strong, independent men with families of their own.  What of their mother then?  I fear the empty nest syndrome and I do not want to wonder why I failed to live up to my potential as I have always encouraged of my children, so I sat down and committed myself to starting and completing my first novel, Brides Aweigh. 

I have other blog posts where I referenced the book as I was writing it and about two weeks ago, I finished the story.  A historical fiction novel, a genre my mother always told me to write because of my love for history and reference work.  I did enjoy the process, some days more than others.  I am now in the final editing stages and search for publication. 

As would be expected I have a desire to be successful but not only for myself and my children, but because I want the story to be told.  I write because I hope that others can benefit from my words.  In this case I want the rich and fascinating story of the stately Queen Mary to be shared.  I want the world to recognize the incredibly brave journey the British WWII brides made in being reunited with their GI husbands.  Our world would not be as we know it today without these events of the past. 

Yesterday I made an author Facebook page to promote and support all of my writing.  I would appreciate all Like, Follows, and Shares.

If you have a dream, Don’t Give Up, Don’t Settle.  It is never too late to fulfill your destiny.  I know the reality of the publishing world and nothing may come of my novel, but at least I reached my first goal.  Now I have a second and I have faith in my dedication and persistence to accomplish all that I put my mind to.  Thank you for all the support my few followers have given me, in bringing my dream to a reality!


The Novel – Brides Aweigh

Mockup BridesAweigh
Mock Up Cover


I have shared with a few of you and made mention of the novel that I have been diligently working on for the past year.  I am in the end stages as I do some rewrites and editing, but I have fallen in love with a Mock Up Cover that was made for me by my business partner, Gabriel Alvarez, and wanted to share it publicly.  I know that it is a good possibility that the cover will be changed and it is extremely possible that I may not find a publisher for this work of love, but none the less I will have completed my first novel and that will serve to remind me that “I can do it.”  This book has weighed heavily on my heart and mind as I was determined to share the historic facts of this heroing tale.  There is so much to be learned on events from our past and the history behind the feats of the Queen Mary, the gallantry of the soldiers, the patriotism of the Red Cross, and the determination of the WWII War Brides.  There was a story that continued to plague my thoughts until I put pen to paper and let the characters speak for themselves.  The story is fictional but based on events that I have thoroughly researched.  I have spent hours reading and note taking to make sure that my historical facts were accurate.  It is important to me that although not written as a documentary, my readers are still given the authentic details of the time and place.  I will continue in my dedication to hopefully see this novel printed and share the journey with all of you.  

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The Interview


Although it is slow going and writing is often a lonely process, I have to say that this experience of book writing has been a dream.  I have been given some incredible opportunities and being interviewed by Greg Mack was extremely cool.  I tend to talk a lot, so much so, that people often wonder when I will quit, or encourage me to “get to the point.”  Lol!  I don’t get offended, I am a storyteller, I know that I give too much detail, but this interview had me incredibly nervous.  I was flustered, couldn’t put two words together even though Greg Mack is funny, professional, and works with you to make the process as painless as possible.  At least I know now what I need to work on to improve my public speaking skills.  I am including the link below to the YouTube site where you can hear the interview and see more pictures.  Please feel free to comment, but remember to be kind….  I am learning.

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Keeping History Alive….


Commodore Everette Hoard, Queen Mary LEGO Model

Photo Credit: Stephen Russo

It is apparent that I have a passion for History and strongly believe in educating our younger generations on the importance of recognizing that where we come from has an influence on where we are going, and the historic landmarks of our great nation have so many stories to tell.  I love British Literature from the Victorian and Romantic era so it is no wonder that I was fascinated by the Queen Mary, ultimately falling in love with her on my first visit.  Her history is vitally important to the rebuilding of America after WWII and amazingly many do not know her story, many do not even know she exists.  I have written a Children’s Picture Book on the Queen Mary, that led to a series, History Comes Alive,  where I plan to continue to write on iconic California landmarks, using a child’s perspective in giving a brief history behind these treasured places or venues.  My goal is to not only educate but inspire an interest to continue learning, and delving further into the history.  This is why I am so happy with the opening of the Shipyard on the Queen Mary.  A space dedicated to Historic and Archival photos and antique tools.  It is impossible to walk the ship without learning of her history, but the Shipyard has the history right at your fingertips, you can’t help but not learn a little bit by just spending time in this space.  What really draws the crowd is the LEGO model of the Queen Mary built by four certified master LEGO builders, of Britain’s Bright Bricks, that spent four months, 600 man hours, to recreate the Queen Mary with 250,00 LEGO bricks, weighing in at 604 lbs, and 26 feet.  An incredible feat that draws the attention of all, but especially children.  In the last two years, there have been a lot of changes aboard the Queen Mary and my favorite is their focus in drawing the attention of children.  They are in the process of building an interactive children’s museum that will be open in the near future and I cannot wait to see how much fun it will be, because Learning is Fun when given to our younger generations with their thought process in mind.  Our future needs to learn from our past, and it is our responsibility to teach them!


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My Own Personal WarBride…

thankyou bookevent

I am choosing to believe that you all have suffered greatly from my lack of blogs and that there will be truth in the statement that “absence makes the heart grow fonder.”  It has been about a week since I have been able to stop and post, although I imagine something new to write daily.  However despite my good intentions, I got caught up in my preparations to meet June Allen, an inspiration behind my first publishing, History Comes Alive Aboard the Queen Mary.  I have mentioned before that I am writing a novel based on the War Brides that sailed across the Queen Mary after WWII and in my research I became associated with June.  Strangely, (and fortunately, because it means my research was up to par) my main character in the novel resembles her life story.  This only increased the bond I felt upon our conversations.  When I learned that she was making a trip to the Queen Mary, I knew I had to meet her in person, and to my surprise I was also able to meet her son, Jim, who was a 1 year old toddler, as they sailed across the Atlantic.  Meeting her will forever be a highlight of my life, a true living legend, an an integral part of our great nations history.  I was happy that I was able to make the children’s picture book that is secondary to my novel, but could give her a glimpse of where I am headed in all that we have discussed.

After this iconical meeting, I came home to the first book launch for History Comes Alive, which although intentionally intimidating, was a success and a lot of fun.  On the event page of the Blog, is the listing for the second event happening on June 14th at Engelmann Cellars, and will be a family friendly event, with live music, a little wine tasting, and tons of outdoor space for a picnic.  I hope you can attend this Meet & Greet of author and illustrator!

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