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Tag: #recognizeachievement

YOU set the Limits

Yesterday I shared my first video of myself across social media.  It was meant to be a Live video as that seems to be what is trending, but I could not bring myself to “yet” make that leap.  I, instead, sat alone in my room and recorded a minute long video of myself.  It was simple, I asked people that Follow Autumn Brooke on Facebook to also Follow my Author Page at AutumnBrookeOnline.  However, this simple one minute recording took me all day to work up the courage to film and then at least 30 minutes behind a locked door as I deleted every video I took.  I knew that I was being ridiculous in my critiques and would never be satisfied.  To be honest, I am not even sure that the posted video is because I finally gave up, or the boys were repeatedly knocking on the door with the ever so familiar “Mom, Mom….. are you okay? Why is the door locked? I’m hungry! Mom, my brother hit me!”  It doesn’t matter what made me stop recording; the point was, I did it.  Yes, it took me two days to then work up the nerve to post it, but I did that too and all of it was totally outside of my comfort zone and that is what matters.  You have heard it said that “your life begins outside of your comfort zone” “the magic happens outside of your comfort zone”  ect, ect…..  The list goes on and on and that’s because it is probably true.  Talking on a recording was a big deal for me.  I have tried it many times before, even in a professional atmosphere, but it has yet to get easier, but I continue to try and will keep making that effort.  Why?  Not because the few viewings went viral or made me instantly famous, (which is not my goal) but I do want to be successful enough in my writing and the selling of the novel, and feature film adaptation that I need to put myself out there.  I need to feel comfortable with being on camera or talking about myself.  My favorite place to be is settled on my sofa, in a pair of yoga pants, tank top, and most likely a glass of wine nearby…. but that comfort zone is not going to find me the success that I desire.  I am the only one that makes myself feel nervous, and I am the only one that can tell myself to get up off the couch and reach for the stars.  It is all up to me to make my dreams a reality and achieve my goals.  I know that my story is meant to be told, read, and shared, but that only happens if I make it happen.  I was Active Duty Air Force for a few years in my early 20’s and it really made an impact in who I am today.  One of the most important lessons I took away was how many people told me that I was not Military material or would be able to handle Basic Training, I learned to not only Rise to the Challenge but surpass all expectations, and excel in whatever I do.  I’ve continued to live by that philosophy in all aspects of my life, but am only now realizing that I need to do the same within the boundaries that “I” put on myself.  The future is limitless, and so is your destiny.

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Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality


Is this Fact or Fiction….  That is the Question?  I post a lot about Inspiration and Motivation, as I do believe that We Reap what We Sow.  I also think that it is important to keep positive influences in your life to maintain a healthy attitude, this means all that you encounter on a daily basis from people, to music, and movies.  Outside attractions affect how we speak and how we think so it is important to me to do my best to hold myself accountable as a positive role model for my children by how I behave.  A few days ago I was reviewing a Travel Blog and it said to put up a picture of your dream destination to visit or live.  Intrigued as I had just finished fantasizing about taking a Costco Vacation after flipping through their travel brochure, I read further in the blog……. it was recommended to not just post up a picture to admire, but to actually close your eyes and imagine yourself there, to take a step further and look up the cost of tickets and choose a date on the calendar that you would travel.  I was no longer interested in continuing in my reading of this travel blog, because I did not like the idea of making plans that I could never keep.  At least not at this stage of my life.  I moved on with my day, but did keep the Costco Travel Picture.  Then today I (accidentally) found myself listening to a Pod Cast that ended up being a Motivational Speaker that said “Close Your Eyes and Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality” and I am pretty sure I may have rolled my eyes, instead of closing them.  Who did they think that I was…..  Dorthy from the Wizard of OZ?   I was beginning to think that I just needed to find a pair of sparkling red magic shoes and I could click my heels three times and go wherever my heart desired.

I spent my afternoon struggling with this concept.  I felt like I was not accomplishing my daily pursuit of achieving my dreams.  I was lacking in my abilities to be a product of my thoughts, I was failing to Believe in my Dream.  I had to re-evaluate.  But wait….  what was I going to re-evaluate?  I knew exactly what I was doing, and where I was going.  I had made a goal, that was a journey, but as long as I kept moving forward and didn’t let anything hold me back then I was going to accomplish my goal.  I am so close now, I can almost taste it.  My goal for my life, may or may not allow my dream vacation but that will just mean that I need to set a new goal and I am okay with that fact.  I do believe in manifestation, and that you first have to have the willingness and desire if you wish to change your life, but I also believe that all people are different.   I am not a person that needs a physical dream board, and I am so analytical that I am overly practical, which is why I rolled my eyes at closing my eyes or making up a ‘fake vacation package.’  However, these tactics work great for other people and that is great.  This great realization brought up another concept that I needed to evaluate, that of changing your dream or goal because of life circumstance.  As we grow and adapt to new responsibilities sometimes our dreams change or take longer for us to achieve, but that doesn’t stop the Dream or the Belief.  The important thing to remember is to Believe in Yourself, Believe in the Impossible.

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Butterfly Beauty

Butterfly Beauty….. Delicate Strength….. These are the words that surround this post.  What isn’t there to love about a butterfly?  They flutter with an almost majestic presence yet are silent in nature.  It is their unassuming existence that actually catches your attention before one sees the glorious coloring of their wings.  Even those without bright color have a depth of shading that is beautiful in its own right.  Yet, upon further investigation these wings may appear nearly translucent by the sun, showing the intricate details of their delicate exoskeleton.  It is the realization that these creatures have an undeniable strength within themselves that makes them so undeniably breathtaking.

Upon even further study, it is not only that a butterfly can fly up to 3,000 miles to reach their destination with little rest, or that their life spans are short, only serving as a mating process to release more butterflies to the earth but their journey in this process that fascinates me.  They live in a series of 4 life cycles, gaining strength throughout each phase.  From a human perspective it should be noted that these life phases are all completed alone, total isolation after emerging from their egg.

Locked in a chrysalis, surrounded by total darkness, a butterfly must use their wings to set themselves free by breaking the barrier that held them within a self-made prison.  Their wings are crumpled and wet once emerged but the struggle served to strengthen their wings, preparing them for flight.  At times a witness may have observed the struggle of the butterfly.  The desperation apparent as the butterfly worked its way through, but had they stepped up to help the butterfly, they would have only weakened its wings.

So… in reflection of the strength in the delicate beauty that encompasses a butterfly we learn that their power comes from the fight that they are forced to face alone on their personal life journey.  They encounter more in their life then most of us can even imagine but they overcome in a feat of pure courage, to grace the world with their beauty and strength.  I leave you with the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson; “Believe in yourself, our strength grows out of our weakness.”

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John Grisham – #GiveaBook


Grisham says give a book for Christmas.  Yes, that is the John Grisham, the best-selling author of one or more books a year after his first publication in 1989, with A Time to Kill.  Then leading the Best-Seller List of all 1991 with The Firm, that’s 35 books with this year’s newest release, The Whistler, and if that wasn’t impressive enough, 9 of these books were made into major motion pictures.  As an aspiring writer with dreams of reaching the masses with my own feature film adaptation based off my novel, I listen when Grisham speaks, or in this case, I read when he writes.  I’ve always been a fan, but I can admit I started to pay more attention when he ‘Liked’ an Instagram post of mine (I was ecstatic), then to see that he ‘Followed’ me (I was on Cloud Nine.)  It actually encouraged me to buckle down and pay more mind to what I was writing and posting.

I claim my writing as words of heart, mind, and soul.  I don’t stick to one specific theme in my blogs, instead choosing to write by what weighs on my mind.  My voice to the world in an effort to inspire, motivate, and educate.  I hold myself accountable to how what I write may influence others and the fact that these words are forever more a part of history once posted.  It was with this thought that I saw the above image shared on Instagram by Grisham and knew that was ‘it.’  I reached out to the Grisham Team for permission to share his image and was even emailed a better resolution copy.  (I may have danced around my kitchen at such personal acknowledgement.)

Now comes the hard part, to write a blog worthy of sharing his words, with very little to add as Grisham pretty much says it all, “Give a Book for Christmas.”  The 10 listed reasons are more than enough, but for me, I advocate book giving because of the educational benefits.  I’m known for gifting books or gift cards to bookstores; is there really a better gift?  When you give a book as a gift, you are investing in the future.  Promoting an increased knowledge in comprehension skills, spelling ability, and imagination.

Take time to give the best gift of the season, the opportunity to travel the world in multiple time periods or dimensions.  To lose yourself in another life, spawning new career opportunities that may never have been considered had it not been for that one year, that one specific book was placed under the tree.

          Invest in future generations providing promises of unlimited potential, in hope that they dare to dream and realize that nothing is impossible.


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Mother’s are Human Too


I have had these thoughts running through my head for a few days now and after a very vivid dream with my mother last night, I decided that it must be time for me to write it down.  I was debating on blogging because just the title mother and knowing that I am a single mom of four, makes me think no one is going to want to log in to read, imagining that this will be one more of those blogs where a mother is complaining about motherhood or bragging about her children.  I dread when those cross my path so let me begin by saying that is not my intention with this post.  I honestly don’t know how this will turn out by the end, but my blog serves to be the “words from heart, mind, and soul” so here are my thoughts.

I have been witnessing a lot of judgement surrounding mothers lately and I have been doing my best to not only stay clear of it but to not stand in judgement.  Practicing “Let those without sin cast the first stone.”  That is not to say that I am in support of some of the actions I have seen or heard rumored but as I wondered if some of the stories were true, I had to remind myself that I have had more then my fair share of “Bad Mommy” days.

We all know that being a mother is said to be the hardest, most thankless, yet most rewarding job.  Maybe that is true but I know that I do NOT feel that way when I am having a hard day.  I have wanted to send my children off or take my own self on an adult only vacation.  In these moments I know that we are not always the best parents to our children and feel that all to familiar “mother guilt” about our behavior later.

I guess what I am saying is that we all make mistakes, but once we realize them we need to seek forgiveness and challenge ourselves to do better.  For those that are on a path of redemption need not be judged but supported.  Their actions are not to be condoned, nor should we enable their behavior, hold them accountable by human morality and standards, but be prepared to cut off communication and association if they don’t find fault with in themselves.

It is our first job to protect our children and raise them to be productive members of society.  We do this by being the best ‘you’ that you can be, knowing that your being mirrored.  Let your life, your words inspire others to want to be like you.  Never quit striving to be better, just remember it is okay to falter, as long as you seek amends and do better next time.  Mother, Father, it doesn’t matter……. we are all only human.


Loss & Gain

It has been a strange last few days for me.  So enlightening, in fact, that I have come to realize that it has been an odd last few years.  I’ve really come to think about all that I have lost and gained in the last few years as my marriage came to an end, my first home that I bought and built from the ground up was lost to me, as was my mother…. There are many more losses.  I only mention those because they are like a rite of passage as we grow up.  There are expectations placed upon us of “who” and “where” you are supposed to be by a certain age, and I followed all the rules, yet here I am, having met said goals, but losing them along the way.  It may not be so bad if people didn’t remind me all the time that I am not “getting any younger.”  Or my favorite is “you should be settled by now” like I intended to be in this position at this stage of my life.  I generally take most of it in stride, but there is always those few moments that slap us in the face that remind you that you are “FAILING” as an Adult.  Today that was TAX Day, I got to go in and file my taxes which have not been fun in the last few years, only to be reminded of where I should be, or where I was, or that maybe, next year, will be better.  Tax Preparers, People, who don’t know anything about you, but they are reading the intimate details of your financial well-being, meaning they probably know you better than some of your closest friends or family.  There is a look of judgement or sorrow as they gaze across the desk at you, hopefully doing their best to keep you from paying in on debts that never should have happened. 

It is on these days that the brave façade crumbles and maybe you cry into your wine or break down in tears as your head touches the pillow.  Or you could be me, just can’t sleep and decide to blog before the sun comes up, knowing that you have a full schedule to complete for the day and in two hours it will be time to start another day of doing the best you can.  Sometimes on these breaking days we are fortunate to have a friend to tell you that you are amazing and it will all get better.  To listen while you vent and understand that you just need someone to “hear” you.  Other times you vent only to be rebuked and judged for these “weak” moments. 

Life isn’t fair!  A statement I have heard, said, repeated a multitude of times.  I understand and respect it.  Which will bring me back to my first paragraph where I said I was evaluating my losses and my gains.  The losses hurt, I do cry like a little girl when I am overwhelmed.  I also am known to feel sorry for myself, need copious amounts of attention, and feel extremely sensitive.   This comes following a day that I am praised by a few, even my own son, the teenager, for being the strongest woman he knows, mentally and physically.  This is why I refer to loss and gain, a roller coaster of emotions in the last year especially.  As this may have been the most difficult time of my life, up to date, it has also held some of my highest moments.  Becoming a mother was amazing, but being a mother to a son that you can have a grown up conversation with and see the man you are raising, is even more amazing.  Knowing that after the onset of tears, stress, and struggle you rise up to solve the problem is a rush of gratitude and independence.  The pure joy of abandoned laughter unknown in previous years is such a blessing.  These are gains that I wouldn’t have experienced the same or as fully if it wasn’t for the pain of the losses. 

I am not unique, everyone has their own series of loss and gain, also causing their own joy and pain.  If we can come together in this and stop the judgement and condemnation we can support one another.  Maybe make that really hard day a little bit easier for someone.  I believe that most of us are doing are best, we may need some help now and again, even if just a word of encouragement.  They say “It takes a village to raise a child.”  I don’t think that stops when we are grown.  As we raise the children with the village, do we really ever stop raising ourselves?  Age is a number, I am still growing and learning every day.  I make mistakes, I may act like a child at times, but I get stronger and smarter along the way. 


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Superbowl 50

how-to-watch-super-bowl-headI watched the Superbowl yesterday for many reasons.  One being that I’m a NinerGirl and it was held in our stadium, I take pride in all that relates to my team.  I also made it an ever because it was Superbowl 50 and that will never happen again. It was a historic event,  a moment in history that my children will remember.  When Superbowl 75 comes around my adult children will recollect what they did for Superbowl 50 and although they were not fully into the game, they will remember the company, the food, the experience of the day.  I don’t expect that they will be the diehard football fan their mother is, but I encourage it and they will atleast be educated in the rules of the game.

I see a correlation between the players as a team, as opponents with that of friends and family.  As a single mom with four sons, we have to work together as a team to make it through our days.  Chores are shared, everyone has a job to do but it works better when we are in sync because one person cannot carry the team alone.  This is true in their sibling relationships as well.  They stand stronger when they know they can rely on one another.  Learning this in a family dynamic, they can take it and apply it to their outside friendships too.  They have had to learn that on occasion someone makes a mistake and there is a flag on the play.  This penalty can be costly and there are consequences. It can be easy to want to give up and walk away, but that affects the team.  The best choice is to accept the call and play on, unless you can throw a challenge flag.  This doesn’t always work, but each situation is different and should be evaluated for fairness. I think that we often jump to conclusions, feelings get hurt, people get defensive and nothing is solved.  If we communicate as teammates, we can work through difficult encounters and maybe even turn them into positive learning lessons.

For what it’s worth, I enjoyed the game. I was surprised by the performance of the Panthers after their unbeatable success all season,  but that is part of the reason I love football. Anything can happen and it’s never really over until it’s over!

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My Crazy Life


As I woke up before the sun once again today, I took a moment to look around my shadowed room.  The mountains of clean clothes piled in various locations has grown to monstrous proportions, reminding me that I am behind in many areas of my life.  This blog being one of many.  I have not had time to post, although I think about it daily, much less catch on bills, or the daily household chores of dusting, vacuuming, or the aforementioned laundry.  I could go on but the guilt ridden mom heart set in and I took immediate stalk of my life and where it was going.  Was I doing too much, my relationships are suffering, but how about my relationship with my children, were they nearly as neglected as the house?  I breathed a sigh of relief as I could immediately recognize that my stress and constant chaos was because of the kids.  We are together more then ever now with weekly three hour trips down south so that they can pursue their dream of becoming child actors.  It is a demanding industry that does not allow for downtime, and I made the commitment to give them a real shot before deciding if it is a lifestyle we continue or not.  This may not be one of my most interesting or educational blogs, but I decided to share, maybe more for my own piece of mind, but I know that there are many families that can relate with kids in sports, or any extracurricular activity that causes parents to give up whole portions of their life to focus on the pursuit of their child’s dream.  It is a sacrifice that we gladly make, so those awaiting chores can continue to haunt me in my sleep, because they matter very little compared to the happiness and future success of my children.

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The Interview


Although it is slow going and writing is often a lonely process, I have to say that this experience of book writing has been a dream.  I have been given some incredible opportunities and being interviewed by Greg Mack was extremely cool.  I tend to talk a lot, so much so, that people often wonder when I will quit, or encourage me to “get to the point.”  Lol!  I don’t get offended, I am a storyteller, I know that I give too much detail, but this interview had me incredibly nervous.  I was flustered, couldn’t put two words together even though Greg Mack is funny, professional, and works with you to make the process as painless as possible.  At least I know now what I need to work on to improve my public speaking skills.  I am including the link below to the YouTube site where you can hear the interview and see more pictures.  Please feel free to comment, but remember to be kind….  I am learning.

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Worst Blogger Ever

Yup, that’s me!  I spend so much of my day writing and even promoting my blog, but forget to actually write on the actual page.   And to think that when I started the blog I was afraid that I would write too often and bombard the internet world with all of my thoughts and feelings.  Honestly I believe that has been such a fear for me that it is why I avoid the site.  I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve and I don’t assume that many want to hear about the in’s and out’s of my day.  Like at this moment my oldest child, who will be turning 13 in a month, is currently standing in my kitchen making toast with his little brother’s Mickey Mouse mask over his face, simply because he found it on the floor.  Or why the next in line, the 10 year old used hair gel as shower gel in the shower because he didn’t bother to read the bottle and I simply said there was new body wash on the counter.  Yes, that really happened!  The two youngest age 8 and 6 are this minute arguing over butter for their toast.  How do you argue over butter, you wonder, well let me tell you.  The 8 year old, can’t find butter, the 6 year old pulls the Brummel & Brown butter container out of the fridge.  The 8 year old says, “No, that’s yogurt.” The 12 year old chimes in, “It is made with  yogurt.” The 8 year old, “Really, they do that?  Gross!”  Leave it the 6 year old, “If it looks like butter, tastes like butter, It’s Butter!”  All of this within the first 15 minutes of them being awake this morning, and this is how my day will continue.  If I just wrote about the conversations I overhear between these four boys, I probably could feel an entire blog, my mother used to encourage me to do that from the time they were small.  Maybe one day, I will do it, I imagine that it will be a lot more interesting as they get into their teenage years.  For now I will just designate an actual writing day and time to keep up with my blog, unless I am suddenly hit with creative inspiration.  Otherwise I will entertain you with another antidote from my life of living with 4 boys, but I promise, I will try not to do that to you!

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