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Month: February 2017

YOU set the Limits

Yesterday I shared my first video of myself across social media.  It was meant to be a Live video as that seems to be what is trending, but I could not bring myself to “yet” make that leap.  I, instead, sat alone in my room and recorded a minute long video of myself.  It was simple, I asked people that Follow Autumn Brooke on Facebook to also Follow my Author Page at AutumnBrookeOnline.  However, this simple one minute recording took me all day to work up the courage to film and then at least 30 minutes behind a locked door as I deleted every video I took.  I knew that I was being ridiculous in my critiques and would never be satisfied.  To be honest, I am not even sure that the posted video is because I finally gave up, or the boys were repeatedly knocking on the door with the ever so familiar “Mom, Mom….. are you okay? Why is the door locked? I’m hungry! Mom, my brother hit me!”  It doesn’t matter what made me stop recording; the point was, I did it.  Yes, it took me two days to then work up the nerve to post it, but I did that too and all of it was totally outside of my comfort zone and that is what matters.  You have heard it said that “your life begins outside of your comfort zone” “the magic happens outside of your comfort zone”  ect, ect…..  The list goes on and on and that’s because it is probably true.  Talking on a recording was a big deal for me.  I have tried it many times before, even in a professional atmosphere, but it has yet to get easier, but I continue to try and will keep making that effort.  Why?  Not because the few viewings went viral or made me instantly famous, (which is not my goal) but I do want to be successful enough in my writing and the selling of the novel, and feature film adaptation that I need to put myself out there.  I need to feel comfortable with being on camera or talking about myself.  My favorite place to be is settled on my sofa, in a pair of yoga pants, tank top, and most likely a glass of wine nearby…. but that comfort zone is not going to find me the success that I desire.  I am the only one that makes myself feel nervous, and I am the only one that can tell myself to get up off the couch and reach for the stars.  It is all up to me to make my dreams a reality and achieve my goals.  I know that my story is meant to be told, read, and shared, but that only happens if I make it happen.  I was Active Duty Air Force for a few years in my early 20’s and it really made an impact in who I am today.  One of the most important lessons I took away was how many people told me that I was not Military material or would be able to handle Basic Training, I learned to not only Rise to the Challenge but surpass all expectations, and excel in whatever I do.  I’ve continued to live by that philosophy in all aspects of my life, but am only now realizing that I need to do the same within the boundaries that “I” put on myself.  The future is limitless, and so is your destiny.

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Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality


Is this Fact or Fiction….  That is the Question?  I post a lot about Inspiration and Motivation, as I do believe that We Reap what We Sow.  I also think that it is important to keep positive influences in your life to maintain a healthy attitude, this means all that you encounter on a daily basis from people, to music, and movies.  Outside attractions affect how we speak and how we think so it is important to me to do my best to hold myself accountable as a positive role model for my children by how I behave.  A few days ago I was reviewing a Travel Blog and it said to put up a picture of your dream destination to visit or live.  Intrigued as I had just finished fantasizing about taking a Costco Vacation after flipping through their travel brochure, I read further in the blog……. it was recommended to not just post up a picture to admire, but to actually close your eyes and imagine yourself there, to take a step further and look up the cost of tickets and choose a date on the calendar that you would travel.  I was no longer interested in continuing in my reading of this travel blog, because I did not like the idea of making plans that I could never keep.  At least not at this stage of my life.  I moved on with my day, but did keep the Costco Travel Picture.  Then today I (accidentally) found myself listening to a Pod Cast that ended up being a Motivational Speaker that said “Close Your Eyes and Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality” and I am pretty sure I may have rolled my eyes, instead of closing them.  Who did they think that I was…..  Dorthy from the Wizard of OZ?   I was beginning to think that I just needed to find a pair of sparkling red magic shoes and I could click my heels three times and go wherever my heart desired.

I spent my afternoon struggling with this concept.  I felt like I was not accomplishing my daily pursuit of achieving my dreams.  I was lacking in my abilities to be a product of my thoughts, I was failing to Believe in my Dream.  I had to re-evaluate.  But wait….  what was I going to re-evaluate?  I knew exactly what I was doing, and where I was going.  I had made a goal, that was a journey, but as long as I kept moving forward and didn’t let anything hold me back then I was going to accomplish my goal.  I am so close now, I can almost taste it.  My goal for my life, may or may not allow my dream vacation but that will just mean that I need to set a new goal and I am okay with that fact.  I do believe in manifestation, and that you first have to have the willingness and desire if you wish to change your life, but I also believe that all people are different.   I am not a person that needs a physical dream board, and I am so analytical that I am overly practical, which is why I rolled my eyes at closing my eyes or making up a ‘fake vacation package.’  However, these tactics work great for other people and that is great.  This great realization brought up another concept that I needed to evaluate, that of changing your dream or goal because of life circumstance.  As we grow and adapt to new responsibilities sometimes our dreams change or take longer for us to achieve, but that doesn’t stop the Dream or the Belief.  The important thing to remember is to Believe in Yourself, Believe in the Impossible.

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Puddle Play

“Life is like a puddle~ you can stand on the edge and watch the reflection of what is…. Or you can jump in and create a wave.”  (Kristine Peterson)

I read this quote and instantly fell in love.  It resonated throughout my whole being as I realized that this was the reason that just last week, I stopped everything and took myself outside with the boys.  There was finally a break in the rain that had left an ocean of puddles.  The boys asked if they could jump in them and I said, “of course”!  An earlier blog mentions how I often allow, encourage, my children to find that childhood joy only found by playing in the puddles.  It was just after 4:30pm on Friday, I poured a glass of wine and sat in the front watching the smiles and listening to their laughter.  The street, busier than usual, as neighbors were driving home from work, grinning and waving as they saw the boys.  I remember wondering how many of them remembered the days they too had played in the rain.

That thought led me to question why we stop seeing the puddle as an opportunity but as an obstacle.  I had recently become this person.  This past week had been more trying then most, filled with a multitude of spirit breaking trials.  (Why there was No Wednesday Blog last week)  Our oven blew a coil and I had to wait a week for a replacement.  Then a valve broke that shut the water off for 48 hours.  Living without was more difficult than I could have ever imagined.  It was one thing after another for so many days that I was ready to blow my own fuse.  Then the benefit of social media let me read a post.  Gratefully not a political rant, but one of blessing, as a Facebook friend was grateful that they had made it home safe to kiss their children after barely avoiding a most likely fatal accident.  I took pause, thinking how my difficult week was not even near the tragedy that others may have faced.

It is important to always remember to count your blessings and be grateful that if there is a puddle as an obstacle on your path, keep moving forward.  If the puddle is too big to step around then use that opportunity to leap in and make a wave.

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