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Tag: #livelikeyoumeanit

Still Waters Run Deep

“Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover”, “More than Meets the Eye”, “Never Assume”, we can go on and on with platitudes about not judging everything at face value, but most of us still do it.  We are so self-involved anymore that we never look past the surface, making split decisions about a person and their character.  What happened to the benefit of the doubt?  What happened to actually taking the time to get to know someone?  I can’t blame the social media, in some ways I think that we can often learn more than we want about a person because of their openness or stupidity of what they post to the public.  I honestly believe that it is more related to our own self-indulgence about ourselves.  Do we want to take the time to get involved with the Who and Why that person acts or thinks a certain way?  Probably not.  We ignore the signs, close down the opportunity and let that person retreat back into the safe identity that we have pigeon holed them into.  In many ways, this could be why there is so much cyber bullying, which is not where I was going with this spiel, but it makes sense.  If a person is relentlessly teased about an oddity they will hide within themselves, afraid to defend or explain.  It becomes too much for another to seek out the reason for the ridicule, the concept of “getting to know someone” is so foreign a task that it is no longer second nature.  If someone does try to really develop a deeper friendship or understanding of who you are, do you not feel that they are too intrusive, almost rude?  Accusations of being bold, forward, even dauntless in their pursuit to get to know you.

It is time to open ourselves up to let others in a little more, and it is definitely time to seek a deeper connection to other people in our lives.  The Why is simple….  It is because if we don’t, it may be too late.  What is your impact in the world?  Have you made a difference?  How will you be remembered?  Let people see your true colors, the inner beauty that makes you so unique.  Use the reflection of their interest in your life to shine past the dark waters to the depth of your soul.  The light will pass as inspiration to others for eternity, never to be dim again.

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Butterfly Beauty

Butterfly Beauty….. Delicate Strength….. These are the words that surround this post.  What isn’t there to love about a butterfly?  They flutter with an almost majestic presence yet are silent in nature.  It is their unassuming existence that actually catches your attention before one sees the glorious coloring of their wings.  Even those without bright color have a depth of shading that is beautiful in its own right.  Yet, upon further investigation these wings may appear nearly translucent by the sun, showing the intricate details of their delicate exoskeleton.  It is the realization that these creatures have an undeniable strength within themselves that makes them so undeniably breathtaking.

Upon even further study, it is not only that a butterfly can fly up to 3,000 miles to reach their destination with little rest, or that their life spans are short, only serving as a mating process to release more butterflies to the earth but their journey in this process that fascinates me.  They live in a series of 4 life cycles, gaining strength throughout each phase.  From a human perspective it should be noted that these life phases are all completed alone, total isolation after emerging from their egg.

Locked in a chrysalis, surrounded by total darkness, a butterfly must use their wings to set themselves free by breaking the barrier that held them within a self-made prison.  Their wings are crumpled and wet once emerged but the struggle served to strengthen their wings, preparing them for flight.  At times a witness may have observed the struggle of the butterfly.  The desperation apparent as the butterfly worked its way through, but had they stepped up to help the butterfly, they would have only weakened its wings.

So… in reflection of the strength in the delicate beauty that encompasses a butterfly we learn that their power comes from the fight that they are forced to face alone on their personal life journey.  They encounter more in their life then most of us can even imagine but they overcome in a feat of pure courage, to grace the world with their beauty and strength.  I leave you with the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson; “Believe in yourself, our strength grows out of our weakness.”

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John Grisham – #GiveaBook


Grisham says give a book for Christmas.  Yes, that is the John Grisham, the best-selling author of one or more books a year after his first publication in 1989, with A Time to Kill.  Then leading the Best-Seller List of all 1991 with The Firm, that’s 35 books with this year’s newest release, The Whistler, and if that wasn’t impressive enough, 9 of these books were made into major motion pictures.  As an aspiring writer with dreams of reaching the masses with my own feature film adaptation based off my novel, I listen when Grisham speaks, or in this case, I read when he writes.  I’ve always been a fan, but I can admit I started to pay more attention when he ‘Liked’ an Instagram post of mine (I was ecstatic), then to see that he ‘Followed’ me (I was on Cloud Nine.)  It actually encouraged me to buckle down and pay more mind to what I was writing and posting.

I claim my writing as words of heart, mind, and soul.  I don’t stick to one specific theme in my blogs, instead choosing to write by what weighs on my mind.  My voice to the world in an effort to inspire, motivate, and educate.  I hold myself accountable to how what I write may influence others and the fact that these words are forever more a part of history once posted.  It was with this thought that I saw the above image shared on Instagram by Grisham and knew that was ‘it.’  I reached out to the Grisham Team for permission to share his image and was even emailed a better resolution copy.  (I may have danced around my kitchen at such personal acknowledgement.)

Now comes the hard part, to write a blog worthy of sharing his words, with very little to add as Grisham pretty much says it all, “Give a Book for Christmas.”  The 10 listed reasons are more than enough, but for me, I advocate book giving because of the educational benefits.  I’m known for gifting books or gift cards to bookstores; is there really a better gift?  When you give a book as a gift, you are investing in the future.  Promoting an increased knowledge in comprehension skills, spelling ability, and imagination.

Take time to give the best gift of the season, the opportunity to travel the world in multiple time periods or dimensions.  To lose yourself in another life, spawning new career opportunities that may never have been considered had it not been for that one year, that one specific book was placed under the tree.

          Invest in future generations providing promises of unlimited potential, in hope that they dare to dream and realize that nothing is impossible.


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Carousel of Life


Lately I have seen a lot of memes across various social media platforms that depict an individual tripping and falling, or sliding gainfully downhill reaching wildly at side lying branches to stop their fall or at least slow their descent.  These images come with the caption of “My Life” or “My Day” or even “How my Month is going.”  We see these on our friends posts and tend to Like, Comment, Share as we have been automated to do.  Today, I saw one and laughed, as I too, chose to re-share it in a private message thinking how much it related to the chaos of my life and knew my friend would understand the humor in the meme.  Then, I couldn’t get the image out of my head and the more I thought on it, the more I realized that I didn’t think it was funny and certainly wasn’t true.  I have blogged before about how crazy and chaotic my life can be and there are days, weeks, months that seem like I just may not be able to keep it altogether.  Like everyone else in the world we all have times that we slip and fall, sometimes far and fast and on those times we shouldn’t laugh, but be there to help our friends in need.  Maybe by simply asking “What can I do to make your day better?”  Our lives should not resemble a slippery slope but that of the carousel .  Everyday is full of ups and downs as the circle of life takes us round and round but we continue and if we stay focused we can make sure that we enjoy the ride.  The music, the lights, the laughter of those with which we share the adventure, these are the memories that we need to remember.  Stay True to Yourself, Be Kind to Others, and Never Give Up.



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Mother’s are Human Too


I have had these thoughts running through my head for a few days now and after a very vivid dream with my mother last night, I decided that it must be time for me to write it down.  I was debating on blogging because just the title mother and knowing that I am a single mom of four, makes me think no one is going to want to log in to read, imagining that this will be one more of those blogs where a mother is complaining about motherhood or bragging about her children.  I dread when those cross my path so let me begin by saying that is not my intention with this post.  I honestly don’t know how this will turn out by the end, but my blog serves to be the “words from heart, mind, and soul” so here are my thoughts.

I have been witnessing a lot of judgement surrounding mothers lately and I have been doing my best to not only stay clear of it but to not stand in judgement.  Practicing “Let those without sin cast the first stone.”  That is not to say that I am in support of some of the actions I have seen or heard rumored but as I wondered if some of the stories were true, I had to remind myself that I have had more then my fair share of “Bad Mommy” days.

We all know that being a mother is said to be the hardest, most thankless, yet most rewarding job.  Maybe that is true but I know that I do NOT feel that way when I am having a hard day.  I have wanted to send my children off or take my own self on an adult only vacation.  In these moments I know that we are not always the best parents to our children and feel that all to familiar “mother guilt” about our behavior later.

I guess what I am saying is that we all make mistakes, but once we realize them we need to seek forgiveness and challenge ourselves to do better.  For those that are on a path of redemption need not be judged but supported.  Their actions are not to be condoned, nor should we enable their behavior, hold them accountable by human morality and standards, but be prepared to cut off communication and association if they don’t find fault with in themselves.

It is our first job to protect our children and raise them to be productive members of society.  We do this by being the best ‘you’ that you can be, knowing that your being mirrored.  Let your life, your words inspire others to want to be like you.  Never quit striving to be better, just remember it is okay to falter, as long as you seek amends and do better next time.  Mother, Father, it doesn’t matter……. we are all only human.


Let your voice be heard….


I definitely identify with this quote.  I believe it is typically the source of my “writers block.”  I can be on a roll and writing to my hearts desire when I take a break and the doubt sets in.  The “No one wants to read this” is certainly one that hits me on a daily basis, it is quickly followed by the “What makes you think that you are good enough to be a writer.”  It takes some serious soul searching and strict pep talk to get me back on task.  One of the reasons I actually have this Blog is so that I am forced to share my writing with the world.  I have to fight through my denial and understand that I won’t please everyone, and certainly can’t expect that all will be a fan or even enjoy my writing.  I have been fortunate that I have not ran in to too many critiques or negative criticism, but my blog is in no way inundated with hundreds of followers.  As my tagline reads, I write words from my heart, mind, and soul – for me this essentially means that what you read is what I am feeling at the moment.  This is not always personally related.  More often, then not it is simply because I read about a topic or know someone else that may be able to benefit from my words and I hope to reach more then one.  I understand that my blog posts are not written for the masses but for those that support me personally or the few that do enjoy my writing, or even my point of view.

I have a goal, and that goal is to be formally published.  I long to write that ‘Great American Novel’ but because I live in the “real world,” I will settle for a publisher, agent, and to have people read my book.   I stand firm in the belief that even the unlikely is possible.  I will always believe that those that follow their dreams are braver than most.  So, how do I relate a writing post to those few that bother to read my blog, I think that we all have that inner voice.  That doubtful inner voice that makes us doubt ourselves forcing us to give up on our dreams.  Don’t let that happen to you!  You can do whatever you set your mind to do, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.  We all have a story to tell, I will support you as you  tell yours, whatever it may be.  Everyone has a purpose and only you know what your purpose is in this world.

#standstrong, #livelikeyoumeanit, #beinspiredtoinspire, #letyourvoicebeheard

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My Life as a Content Writer:

My Life as a Content Writer:

It is more often than not that when I tell someone that I am a Content Writer that the very next question is “Oh Wow, that’s cool…….. pause……..what is that?”  Which doesn’t offend me because it was only recently that I discovered that job title myself.  Yes, I was unaware that my work as a writer actually fell under further specification with the title Content Writer.  So, let’s work on clarifying exactly what that means.

The title of Writer in itself does not hold much of a description as it is open to full flexibility and interpretation, and that of a Content Writer is also one of many hats.  It is much more than writing articles, reviews or even the ongoing blog posts.  If you were to ask a dozen Content Writers what they do, you would have over a dozen different answers.  I will briefly give a more detailed list of what my various tasks have been over the last month to give a better understanding, and maybe help you realize that you may very well need to higher your own Content Writer to enhance your business presence.

Most Content Writers work for small or personal businesses, or even write for government websites.   Employed by a business or working as an independent contractor, Content Writers write and can be viewed as a sales representative, journalist, comedian or an expert of the field.  Skilled in html and specializing in SEO.  The Voice Behind the Curtain, if you will, as the writings of the Content Writer put your voice into the world and if done correctly, your path to success within the internet world.

From just that brief introduction, it is clear that it is near impossible to define the job of a Content Writer, because to many people, I have done many different jobs so the answer will always sound different, but my skill set remains the same so let’s look at the similarities.  There are essential elements that are not exclusive to the Content Writer, but a definite part of any Content Writers repertoire.

The Researcher:

No matter who or what I am writing, I am a researcher first, a writer second.  There have been multiple occasions when I have had to write detailed descriptions of a business that I am unfamiliar with so I must research to make sure that all the information that I relate through my article or blog post is up to date, accurate, as well as informative.

The Editor:

The bane of my existence…… Editing!  However, it is the job of any writer, to edit their own work repeatedly, and as a Content Writer, I have to edit the writing of many a client.  The wrong format, bad spelling, and sentence structure, all must be corrected and still stay within the ‘voice’ of my client.  It is comparable to cleaning someone else’s home, you don’t quite know where anything goes, yet must clean it anyways.  You smile and figure it out, because my job is to make you look good, which in turn makes me look good.

The Designer:

Yes, a writer is an artist.  Most of the art is seen within the beauty of our words, but that of a Content Writer can be seen in the structurally well designed web site, and detailed placement of headings within a blog.  The words of the article are what matters, with proper editing and flow, but the copy must be eye catching and aesthetically pleasing to make the reader want to read it.

The SEO Expert:

Search Engine Optimization, this is where the details start to separate a Content Writer from just Writer.  I don’t only write a piece with a word count and submit it for printing, I take the time make sure the key words are woven through the copy to bring it to the forefront of the search rankings.  I put on my Researcher hat, and know that the key words I am incorporating our most current to have the best effect in attracting more visitors.  It is the tag headline, the key word density, and staying abreast of the newest methods to keep you from SEO silence.  If you are not present in Social Media and in the top 10 of Google search, chances are you are in need of a Content Writer.

The Accomplice:

I do not think of myself as just your employee, while I write your vision, I become your best friend, your confidant, your accomplice in your mission to bring your best face forward, making your business an online success.  I only want to see you succeed because that means I have succeeded.  The better relationship we have is only going to better the content of the writing I do for you.  If you are searching for the perfect ally to do your research, design the perfect pitch and give beauty to the words placed on your site, edit the prose with which you entrust me, and make sure that you have prime SEO techniques to give you top ranking in social media forums, you need to befriend your local Content Writer today.

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Inspiration is the key to all success.  Without it there is no passion.  If there is no passion, then there is no desire, and without desire there is no fire.  It is vital that one take interest in what they do for happiness sake and true progression.  Success for another may come from your inspiration and that motivation will fuel your next level of achievement.  #BeInspiredtoInspire   After finding what you are passionate about and pursuing how to make your desires a reality, the next step is to find what inspires you.  It is within the things that influence you in a positive manner, from making exercise a priority to eating your favorite food, it can come from starting at the sunrise or a twilight walk amongst the stars.  The point is that it can be simple things that don’t require much time, money, or effort but if they bring you joy and inspiration then incorporate them into your daily life.  Live to not only be inspired but to inspire in some small way, all that your encounter.  Success begets success and in such we help each other make the world a better place.  #LiveYourDesire


Rainy Days


I woke up to the sound of rain and snuggled further under my covers, reminiscing about the simple pleasure of lazy, rainy, days.  Enjoying the cooler weather, the sound of rain hitting the window panes, curled up with a warm drink, cozy blanket, and a great book or movie.  However that was not to be on my agenda for the day because the boys did not have school and were already beginning to make sounds of boredom and hunger.  Breakfast solved the hunger pains and created a false sense of quiet, that I quickly took advantage of as I made my way to the patio with a cup of coffee to enjoy the much needed rain in the Central Valley.  The tracking device installed in every mother alerting her offspring that she is currently enjoying alone time brought the children outdoors, but I did not mind the interruption of peace as I saw the awe in their face as I granted permission for them to play in the rain.  The youngest ran to tell his older brothers to come jump in the puddles, which they did with such abandonment and delight, I was envious.  Reminded me of days past and the joy in the simple life.  They did not need TV or video games to be occupied, they played for an hour with one another, using their imagination to make up games.  The six year old even mentioned how the rain was good for California because we were in a drought, and how he had missed the rain, serving to restore my faith that he is being well educated.  A few minutes later, however, he came to tell me how the homeless were all able to get free showers today if they had some soap.  All are inside now but still playing well with each other, as I contemplate what soup or stew I should make on this rare rainy day, and thanking God for reminding me that some days we all just need to Dance in the Rain with the innocence of a child.  And just to keep it ‘Real,’ I currently  hear the discussion of what video game should be played happening in the playroom, which means an argument will soon ensue as one or two don’t get their way, and the tattle tales begin with that old faithful call of “Mom….. they won’t let me Play……”

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Autumn Leaves


Autumn; a season that defines the term Beauty in Chaos.  The world becomes awash with warm colors of yellow gold, burnt orange, warm reds that entrance its inhabitants.  The air is crisp with a scent that can only can be described as that of Autumn.  A breeze blows the leaves gently as they fall covering the ground in a myriad of colors, softening the footsteps that tread down the path drawn toward the light that gleams through the trees.

I am unable to see an Autumn picture without imagining that path through the trees leading to a brook, a creek of running water, leaves floating in the current, ripples heard as the water falls over the smooth stones.  Why must there be a brook in my scene?  Because it is my name, Autumn Brooke, the true personification of chaotic beauty.  I have spent my life in wonder if I mirror the season for which I was named, or does the season of Autumn itself; define me?

When I was first born my mother wrote a poem called Autumn Leaves.  It begins with a description of the season, similar to that above.  The second paragraph is a description of the word Autumn, hair of yellow gold, a smile bright like the sun, bubbling laughter carried in the wind this is now what Autumn means to her.  I was worthy of being named after a season, my mother’s beautiful description gave me a measure that I spent years believing that I needed to live up to until I began to create opinions of my own and Autumn didn’t hold the same beauty to me.

What I saw was death, destruction, and bitter cold, sadness amongst the trees as the once beautiful leaves lost their color and dropped as they died.  The grass became brown and brittle, the flowers withered and died.  Eventually I grew brave enough to share my opinion with my mother and how I didn’t see the beauty that she saw in my name.  It was then that she changed my view not just on my name, or the season, but my entire way of life.

Autumn wasn’t a season of death but of that leading to a rebirth.  Every year the trees grew new leaves and flowers would bloom, the earth alive with the new and as the months passed and Autumn approached the world was once again a washed with bold, bright, colors before the leaves fell to make way for new.  A chance to live each season to its fullest knowing that the slate would be wiped clean and we could start anew.

What a glorious way to view life, knowing that nothing was permanent and there was always room for change.  I had to reevaluate what that meant for me, as I had always tried to be the beauty that my mother envisioned, but I saw Autumn as death but also rebirth, such confusion, disarray, and chaos in that thought.  That was until I combined her viewpoint with mine and became beautiful chaos.  It is a perfect description of the season of Autumn, and in such the personification of myself, Autumn Brooke.  Constantly changing, allowing the seasons of life to be lived to the fullest but embracing the imperfections, because there is beauty in all that we encompass through ourselves and that around us.

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