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Tag: #Amwriting

Mother’s are Human Too


I have had these thoughts running through my head for a few days now and after a very vivid dream with my mother last night, I decided that it must be time for me to write it down.  I was debating on blogging because just the title mother and knowing that I am a single mom of four, makes me think no one is going to want to log in to read, imagining that this will be one more of those blogs where a mother is complaining about motherhood or bragging about her children.  I dread when those cross my path so let me begin by saying that is not my intention with this post.  I honestly don’t know how this will turn out by the end, but my blog serves to be the “words from heart, mind, and soul” so here are my thoughts.

I have been witnessing a lot of judgement surrounding mothers lately and I have been doing my best to not only stay clear of it but to not stand in judgement.  Practicing “Let those without sin cast the first stone.”  That is not to say that I am in support of some of the actions I have seen or heard rumored but as I wondered if some of the stories were true, I had to remind myself that I have had more then my fair share of “Bad Mommy” days.

We all know that being a mother is said to be the hardest, most thankless, yet most rewarding job.  Maybe that is true but I know that I do NOT feel that way when I am having a hard day.  I have wanted to send my children off or take my own self on an adult only vacation.  In these moments I know that we are not always the best parents to our children and feel that all to familiar “mother guilt” about our behavior later.

I guess what I am saying is that we all make mistakes, but once we realize them we need to seek forgiveness and challenge ourselves to do better.  For those that are on a path of redemption need not be judged but supported.  Their actions are not to be condoned, nor should we enable their behavior, hold them accountable by human morality and standards, but be prepared to cut off communication and association if they don’t find fault with in themselves.

It is our first job to protect our children and raise them to be productive members of society.  We do this by being the best ‘you’ that you can be, knowing that your being mirrored.  Let your life, your words inspire others to want to be like you.  Never quit striving to be better, just remember it is okay to falter, as long as you seek amends and do better next time.  Mother, Father, it doesn’t matter……. we are all only human.


Dream to Reality


Writing a novel has been the biggest accomplishment of my life, besides being the mother of four children.  I would not even mention my children in this post, but I know that if I do not that there will be numerous messages asking how do I not feel fulfilled as a mother or not see that as my life’s biggest accomplishment?  Honestly, being a mother isn’t enough for me and I don’t think that it has to be.  I loved when they were small and my days were so busy from that age old saying, “From Son Up to Son Down.”  Now they are older, they don’t need me in the same manner and that is a good thing.  I have raised strong, independent sons and they will soon move away to be strong, independent men with families of their own.  What of their mother then?  I fear the empty nest syndrome and I do not want to wonder why I failed to live up to my potential as I have always encouraged of my children, so I sat down and committed myself to starting and completing my first novel, Brides Aweigh. 

I have other blog posts where I referenced the book as I was writing it and about two weeks ago, I finished the story.  A historical fiction novel, a genre my mother always told me to write because of my love for history and reference work.  I did enjoy the process, some days more than others.  I am now in the final editing stages and search for publication. 

As would be expected I have a desire to be successful but not only for myself and my children, but because I want the story to be told.  I write because I hope that others can benefit from my words.  In this case I want the rich and fascinating story of the stately Queen Mary to be shared.  I want the world to recognize the incredibly brave journey the British WWII brides made in being reunited with their GI husbands.  Our world would not be as we know it today without these events of the past. 

Yesterday I made an author Facebook page to promote and support all of my writing.  I would appreciate all Like, Follows, and Shares.

If you have a dream, Don’t Give Up, Don’t Settle.  It is never too late to fulfill your destiny.  I know the reality of the publishing world and nothing may come of my novel, but at least I reached my first goal.  Now I have a second and I have faith in my dedication and persistence to accomplish all that I put my mind to.  Thank you for all the support my few followers have given me, in bringing my dream to a reality!


Let your voice be heard….


I definitely identify with this quote.  I believe it is typically the source of my “writers block.”  I can be on a roll and writing to my hearts desire when I take a break and the doubt sets in.  The “No one wants to read this” is certainly one that hits me on a daily basis, it is quickly followed by the “What makes you think that you are good enough to be a writer.”  It takes some serious soul searching and strict pep talk to get me back on task.  One of the reasons I actually have this Blog is so that I am forced to share my writing with the world.  I have to fight through my denial and understand that I won’t please everyone, and certainly can’t expect that all will be a fan or even enjoy my writing.  I have been fortunate that I have not ran in to too many critiques or negative criticism, but my blog is in no way inundated with hundreds of followers.  As my tagline reads, I write words from my heart, mind, and soul – for me this essentially means that what you read is what I am feeling at the moment.  This is not always personally related.  More often, then not it is simply because I read about a topic or know someone else that may be able to benefit from my words and I hope to reach more then one.  I understand that my blog posts are not written for the masses but for those that support me personally or the few that do enjoy my writing, or even my point of view.

I have a goal, and that goal is to be formally published.  I long to write that ‘Great American Novel’ but because I live in the “real world,” I will settle for a publisher, agent, and to have people read my book.   I stand firm in the belief that even the unlikely is possible.  I will always believe that those that follow their dreams are braver than most.  So, how do I relate a writing post to those few that bother to read my blog, I think that we all have that inner voice.  That doubtful inner voice that makes us doubt ourselves forcing us to give up on our dreams.  Don’t let that happen to you!  You can do whatever you set your mind to do, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.  We all have a story to tell, I will support you as you  tell yours, whatever it may be.  Everyone has a purpose and only you know what your purpose is in this world.

#standstrong, #livelikeyoumeanit, #beinspiredtoinspire, #letyourvoicebeheard

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My Life as a Content Writer:

My Life as a Content Writer:

It is more often than not that when I tell someone that I am a Content Writer that the very next question is “Oh Wow, that’s cool…….. pause……..what is that?”  Which doesn’t offend me because it was only recently that I discovered that job title myself.  Yes, I was unaware that my work as a writer actually fell under further specification with the title Content Writer.  So, let’s work on clarifying exactly what that means.

The title of Writer in itself does not hold much of a description as it is open to full flexibility and interpretation, and that of a Content Writer is also one of many hats.  It is much more than writing articles, reviews or even the ongoing blog posts.  If you were to ask a dozen Content Writers what they do, you would have over a dozen different answers.  I will briefly give a more detailed list of what my various tasks have been over the last month to give a better understanding, and maybe help you realize that you may very well need to higher your own Content Writer to enhance your business presence.

Most Content Writers work for small or personal businesses, or even write for government websites.   Employed by a business or working as an independent contractor, Content Writers write and can be viewed as a sales representative, journalist, comedian or an expert of the field.  Skilled in html and specializing in SEO.  The Voice Behind the Curtain, if you will, as the writings of the Content Writer put your voice into the world and if done correctly, your path to success within the internet world.

From just that brief introduction, it is clear that it is near impossible to define the job of a Content Writer, because to many people, I have done many different jobs so the answer will always sound different, but my skill set remains the same so let’s look at the similarities.  There are essential elements that are not exclusive to the Content Writer, but a definite part of any Content Writers repertoire.

The Researcher:

No matter who or what I am writing, I am a researcher first, a writer second.  There have been multiple occasions when I have had to write detailed descriptions of a business that I am unfamiliar with so I must research to make sure that all the information that I relate through my article or blog post is up to date, accurate, as well as informative.

The Editor:

The bane of my existence…… Editing!  However, it is the job of any writer, to edit their own work repeatedly, and as a Content Writer, I have to edit the writing of many a client.  The wrong format, bad spelling, and sentence structure, all must be corrected and still stay within the ‘voice’ of my client.  It is comparable to cleaning someone else’s home, you don’t quite know where anything goes, yet must clean it anyways.  You smile and figure it out, because my job is to make you look good, which in turn makes me look good.

The Designer:

Yes, a writer is an artist.  Most of the art is seen within the beauty of our words, but that of a Content Writer can be seen in the structurally well designed web site, and detailed placement of headings within a blog.  The words of the article are what matters, with proper editing and flow, but the copy must be eye catching and aesthetically pleasing to make the reader want to read it.

The SEO Expert:

Search Engine Optimization, this is where the details start to separate a Content Writer from just Writer.  I don’t only write a piece with a word count and submit it for printing, I take the time make sure the key words are woven through the copy to bring it to the forefront of the search rankings.  I put on my Researcher hat, and know that the key words I am incorporating our most current to have the best effect in attracting more visitors.  It is the tag headline, the key word density, and staying abreast of the newest methods to keep you from SEO silence.  If you are not present in Social Media and in the top 10 of Google search, chances are you are in need of a Content Writer.

The Accomplice:

I do not think of myself as just your employee, while I write your vision, I become your best friend, your confidant, your accomplice in your mission to bring your best face forward, making your business an online success.  I only want to see you succeed because that means I have succeeded.  The better relationship we have is only going to better the content of the writing I do for you.  If you are searching for the perfect ally to do your research, design the perfect pitch and give beauty to the words placed on your site, edit the prose with which you entrust me, and make sure that you have prime SEO techniques to give you top ranking in social media forums, you need to befriend your local Content Writer today.

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Keeping History Alive….


Commodore Everette Hoard, Queen Mary LEGO Model

Photo Credit: Stephen Russo

It is apparent that I have a passion for History and strongly believe in educating our younger generations on the importance of recognizing that where we come from has an influence on where we are going, and the historic landmarks of our great nation have so many stories to tell.  I love British Literature from the Victorian and Romantic era so it is no wonder that I was fascinated by the Queen Mary, ultimately falling in love with her on my first visit.  Her history is vitally important to the rebuilding of America after WWII and amazingly many do not know her story, many do not even know she exists.  I have written a Children’s Picture Book on the Queen Mary, that led to a series, History Comes Alive,  where I plan to continue to write on iconic California landmarks, using a child’s perspective in giving a brief history behind these treasured places or venues.  My goal is to not only educate but inspire an interest to continue learning, and delving further into the history.  This is why I am so happy with the opening of the Shipyard on the Queen Mary.  A space dedicated to Historic and Archival photos and antique tools.  It is impossible to walk the ship without learning of her history, but the Shipyard has the history right at your fingertips, you can’t help but not learn a little bit by just spending time in this space.  What really draws the crowd is the LEGO model of the Queen Mary built by four certified master LEGO builders, of Britain’s Bright Bricks, that spent four months, 600 man hours, to recreate the Queen Mary with 250,00 LEGO bricks, weighing in at 604 lbs, and 26 feet.  An incredible feat that draws the attention of all, but especially children.  In the last two years, there have been a lot of changes aboard the Queen Mary and my favorite is their focus in drawing the attention of children.  They are in the process of building an interactive children’s museum that will be open in the near future and I cannot wait to see how much fun it will be, because Learning is Fun when given to our younger generations with their thought process in mind.  Our future needs to learn from our past, and it is our responsibility to teach them!


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