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Tag: #changingforthebetter

Winds of Change


It is that time of year again, and I am definitely feeling it this season.  The weather is changing, the wind is blowing, it leaves a series of leaves and debris in its wake or it blows it all away.  I am struggling with where I am in life and my approaching birthday; with the age of my children and their demanding needs.  I remember when I made all the decisions, even if it was for them, such as, soccer, dance, drama; they were still designated around family time.  I had complete control over the when and how of what went on in our family, but now I am an open book, my schedule, my calendar are completely at the mercy of what opportunities open up for my boys.  Please don’t get me wrong, this is not a complaint, only an observation of how life is never what we plan.  Actually if we try to plan everything out, I think that it is destined to switch up and change on us.  It is the unexpected that approaches, must be embraced, never anticipated.  For if we do, we are disappointed because life, like the wind, can change direction at any given moment.  So expect the unexpected and learn to live life serendipitous.  I remember when I first learned the meaning of that word and even at the tender age of 16, I recognized that it was not human nature.  We plan each and every moment of our lives, forgetting to live in the moment.  That is one thing I hope to instill within my children, even as I struggle with my own OCD, and nature of an Only child, with my need to control everyone and everything,  It is a learning lesson for all of us, and in the end we will be better for it.  So, I leave you with this thought……  at the wind blows, take it in, accept what may come, and then breathe it out.  Life is Not what we make of it, but what we make of the hand that is dealt us, with the understanding that all of it can change at any moment.

#letlifestripyoubare #timingiseverything #serendipitiouslife

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My Crazy Life


As I woke up before the sun once again today, I took a moment to look around my shadowed room.  The mountains of clean clothes piled in various locations has grown to monstrous proportions, reminding me that I am behind in many areas of my life.  This blog being one of many.  I have not had time to post, although I think about it daily, much less catch on bills, or the daily household chores of dusting, vacuuming, or the aforementioned laundry.  I could go on but the guilt ridden mom heart set in and I took immediate stalk of my life and where it was going.  Was I doing too much, my relationships are suffering, but how about my relationship with my children, were they nearly as neglected as the house?  I breathed a sigh of relief as I could immediately recognize that my stress and constant chaos was because of the kids.  We are together more then ever now with weekly three hour trips down south so that they can pursue their dream of becoming child actors.  It is a demanding industry that does not allow for downtime, and I made the commitment to give them a real shot before deciding if it is a lifestyle we continue or not.  This may not be one of my most interesting or educational blogs, but I decided to share, maybe more for my own piece of mind, but I know that there are many families that can relate with kids in sports, or any extracurricular activity that causes parents to give up whole portions of their life to focus on the pursuit of their child’s dream.  It is a sacrifice that we gladly make, so those awaiting chores can continue to haunt me in my sleep, because they matter very little compared to the happiness and future success of my children.

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The Interview


Although it is slow going and writing is often a lonely process, I have to say that this experience of book writing has been a dream.  I have been given some incredible opportunities and being interviewed by Greg Mack was extremely cool.  I tend to talk a lot, so much so, that people often wonder when I will quit, or encourage me to “get to the point.”  Lol!  I don’t get offended, I am a storyteller, I know that I give too much detail, but this interview had me incredibly nervous.  I was flustered, couldn’t put two words together even though Greg Mack is funny, professional, and works with you to make the process as painless as possible.  At least I know now what I need to work on to improve my public speaking skills.  I am including the link below to the YouTube site where you can hear the interview and see more pictures.  Please feel free to comment, but remember to be kind….  I am learning.

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Worst Blogger Ever

Yup, that’s me!  I spend so much of my day writing and even promoting my blog, but forget to actually write on the actual page.   And to think that when I started the blog I was afraid that I would write too often and bombard the internet world with all of my thoughts and feelings.  Honestly I believe that has been such a fear for me that it is why I avoid the site.  I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve and I don’t assume that many want to hear about the in’s and out’s of my day.  Like at this moment my oldest child, who will be turning 13 in a month, is currently standing in my kitchen making toast with his little brother’s Mickey Mouse mask over his face, simply because he found it on the floor.  Or why the next in line, the 10 year old used hair gel as shower gel in the shower because he didn’t bother to read the bottle and I simply said there was new body wash on the counter.  Yes, that really happened!  The two youngest age 8 and 6 are this minute arguing over butter for their toast.  How do you argue over butter, you wonder, well let me tell you.  The 8 year old, can’t find butter, the 6 year old pulls the Brummel & Brown butter container out of the fridge.  The 8 year old says, “No, that’s yogurt.” The 12 year old chimes in, “It is made with  yogurt.” The 8 year old, “Really, they do that?  Gross!”  Leave it the 6 year old, “If it looks like butter, tastes like butter, It’s Butter!”  All of this within the first 15 minutes of them being awake this morning, and this is how my day will continue.  If I just wrote about the conversations I overhear between these four boys, I probably could feel an entire blog, my mother used to encourage me to do that from the time they were small.  Maybe one day, I will do it, I imagine that it will be a lot more interesting as they get into their teenage years.  For now I will just designate an actual writing day and time to keep up with my blog, unless I am suddenly hit with creative inspiration.  Otherwise I will entertain you with another antidote from my life of living with 4 boys, but I promise, I will try not to do that to you!

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Keeping History Alive….


Commodore Everette Hoard, Queen Mary LEGO Model

Photo Credit: Stephen Russo

It is apparent that I have a passion for History and strongly believe in educating our younger generations on the importance of recognizing that where we come from has an influence on where we are going, and the historic landmarks of our great nation have so many stories to tell.  I love British Literature from the Victorian and Romantic era so it is no wonder that I was fascinated by the Queen Mary, ultimately falling in love with her on my first visit.  Her history is vitally important to the rebuilding of America after WWII and amazingly many do not know her story, many do not even know she exists.  I have written a Children’s Picture Book on the Queen Mary, that led to a series, History Comes Alive,  where I plan to continue to write on iconic California landmarks, using a child’s perspective in giving a brief history behind these treasured places or venues.  My goal is to not only educate but inspire an interest to continue learning, and delving further into the history.  This is why I am so happy with the opening of the Shipyard on the Queen Mary.  A space dedicated to Historic and Archival photos and antique tools.  It is impossible to walk the ship without learning of her history, but the Shipyard has the history right at your fingertips, you can’t help but not learn a little bit by just spending time in this space.  What really draws the crowd is the LEGO model of the Queen Mary built by four certified master LEGO builders, of Britain’s Bright Bricks, that spent four months, 600 man hours, to recreate the Queen Mary with 250,00 LEGO bricks, weighing in at 604 lbs, and 26 feet.  An incredible feat that draws the attention of all, but especially children.  In the last two years, there have been a lot of changes aboard the Queen Mary and my favorite is their focus in drawing the attention of children.  They are in the process of building an interactive children’s museum that will be open in the near future and I cannot wait to see how much fun it will be, because Learning is Fun when given to our younger generations with their thought process in mind.  Our future needs to learn from our past, and it is our responsibility to teach them!


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McFarland USA – Fresno

I don’t like silence while I am working, put it down to having a house full of little boys, I think better among the chaos.  This being said, I tend to throw on a movie while writing, working, or even thinking and this is often how I catch up on the new releases.  The other night I watched McFarland USA and I loved it, of course, I enjoy most Kevin Costner movies, but this movie had all the action, comedy, drama, to keep me entertained throughout the whole thing.  I was surprised that there was not more of a buzz about this movie, either people haven’t taken the time to watch it or our world has become so “Hollywood” that we have lost the heart of America.  I don’t follow the Kardashian’s or Bruce Jenner, but because of social media, I know more about them than I care to admit.  Yet this movie about small town America and boys that worked hard to achieve and make a difference in their communities has fallen by the wayside.  However, I know that this is just the way things are nowadays and not really the point of my post today, what made me want to comment was that I cannot believe there was no Fresno love for this movie!!  The movie itself, involves the Central Valley, but two of the young men from the movie graduated and went on to Fresno State, yet still no mention across facebook or twitter about that simple fact.  I have lived around the world and Fresno is one of the proudest cities I know, but no love for a heartwarming, family oriented, rise from the ashes movie that not only put McFarland on the map, but acknowledges the higher education and successful athletic department of Fresno State University.  Let’s give credit to the underdogs, support the community, and make our hometown famous for the good, not the negative statistics that most people associate with Fresno.

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