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Tag: #Challengeyou

Love over 35


Yesterday I wrote a Facebook post that many of you probably never saw because I only had it up for one hour.  I don’t try to maintain a strictly professional image on my social media but I do try to keep the truly personal at a minimum.  The post was about a comment that was said to me in a conversation,  that people after the age of 35 lose their chance at finding “someone.”  I will leave the idea of a “someone” subjective as it can be a life partner, a spouse, a friend, a true love, the details were not discussed, but it was in relation to being with “someone” until the end, a person that will love you unconditionally.

The fact that my friend thought that age could keep this from happening blew me away.  He didn’t even relate it specifically to women, he felt that the chances decreased for men too.  I immediately took to Facebook to post the question and hear the opinion of the people.  To my chagrin, he was not the only one to feel that way.  I was shocked, although it was other men under the age of 35 that thought the age of a woman did play a big factor in making her worthy of love.

I worried that people would think I was fishing for compliments or looking for dates when I posted, and I said so as much in my post.  Stating the conversation and question, I related that I was 40 years old and the single mother to 4 children that are still young, elementary school age even.  Most people, men and women, near my age posted that the statement was crazy.  Age didn’t matter when it came to love, and it was inner beauty that mattered.  A few of the younger men did state that a ‘mature’ woman needed to bring a lot to the table in order for a man to consider her over a younger woman.

What surprised me was that no matter the positive or negative response, they all still mentioned beauty.  I am not naive, I know that we are all attracted to pretty things, and the younger generation is beautiful with their good skin, tightened muscles, but when did we stop seeing beauty in those with a few years behind them?  I honestly thought the world had moved past this, especially with the rate of divorce in the country, and so many people beginning again after middle age.

I don’t see myself as old, I don’t see myself as ugly nor beautiful.  I don’t lack for male attention and that is both younger and older.  I do worry about still having young children at home that still need to be raised so I come as a package, not just for myself.  However, that is only a small concern to me as I would expect any one I bothered to spend time with already be accepting of the family life.  My issue is that I want to be respected, measured as an equal, and loved for my talent and personality.  To me, if you have all of those things then you are automatically beautiful in that “someone’s” eyes.

We all have a type, but if you are stuck on that. then you may just pass your soulmate by because they are NOT the right race, height, size that you think you need, and apparently age is also a part of that.  I do believe that there needs to be a physical attraction but I believe that can grow by a mental connection.  If there is chemistry then there is a connection that you can build off of.  Love is freely given, or it should be, but it is not automatic and must be worked on, a seed that once planted must be nurtured in order to grow.

I have faith, faith that when the time is right that I will find the “someone” that will love me for me, not despite age, size, height, or color but because of them.  They will see me inside out and I will do the same with them.  Learn to grow together, explore, learn, challenge one another.  Life is a myriad of unforeseen circumstances, that are multiple opportunities, that will bring out the best in you, if only you allow it.

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My Life as a Content Writer:

My Life as a Content Writer:

It is more often than not that when I tell someone that I am a Content Writer that the very next question is “Oh Wow, that’s cool…….. pause……..what is that?”  Which doesn’t offend me because it was only recently that I discovered that job title myself.  Yes, I was unaware that my work as a writer actually fell under further specification with the title Content Writer.  So, let’s work on clarifying exactly what that means.

The title of Writer in itself does not hold much of a description as it is open to full flexibility and interpretation, and that of a Content Writer is also one of many hats.  It is much more than writing articles, reviews or even the ongoing blog posts.  If you were to ask a dozen Content Writers what they do, you would have over a dozen different answers.  I will briefly give a more detailed list of what my various tasks have been over the last month to give a better understanding, and maybe help you realize that you may very well need to higher your own Content Writer to enhance your business presence.

Most Content Writers work for small or personal businesses, or even write for government websites.   Employed by a business or working as an independent contractor, Content Writers write and can be viewed as a sales representative, journalist, comedian or an expert of the field.  Skilled in html and specializing in SEO.  The Voice Behind the Curtain, if you will, as the writings of the Content Writer put your voice into the world and if done correctly, your path to success within the internet world.

From just that brief introduction, it is clear that it is near impossible to define the job of a Content Writer, because to many people, I have done many different jobs so the answer will always sound different, but my skill set remains the same so let’s look at the similarities.  There are essential elements that are not exclusive to the Content Writer, but a definite part of any Content Writers repertoire.

The Researcher:

No matter who or what I am writing, I am a researcher first, a writer second.  There have been multiple occasions when I have had to write detailed descriptions of a business that I am unfamiliar with so I must research to make sure that all the information that I relate through my article or blog post is up to date, accurate, as well as informative.

The Editor:

The bane of my existence…… Editing!  However, it is the job of any writer, to edit their own work repeatedly, and as a Content Writer, I have to edit the writing of many a client.  The wrong format, bad spelling, and sentence structure, all must be corrected and still stay within the ‘voice’ of my client.  It is comparable to cleaning someone else’s home, you don’t quite know where anything goes, yet must clean it anyways.  You smile and figure it out, because my job is to make you look good, which in turn makes me look good.

The Designer:

Yes, a writer is an artist.  Most of the art is seen within the beauty of our words, but that of a Content Writer can be seen in the structurally well designed web site, and detailed placement of headings within a blog.  The words of the article are what matters, with proper editing and flow, but the copy must be eye catching and aesthetically pleasing to make the reader want to read it.

The SEO Expert:

Search Engine Optimization, this is where the details start to separate a Content Writer from just Writer.  I don’t only write a piece with a word count and submit it for printing, I take the time make sure the key words are woven through the copy to bring it to the forefront of the search rankings.  I put on my Researcher hat, and know that the key words I am incorporating our most current to have the best effect in attracting more visitors.  It is the tag headline, the key word density, and staying abreast of the newest methods to keep you from SEO silence.  If you are not present in Social Media and in the top 10 of Google search, chances are you are in need of a Content Writer.

The Accomplice:

I do not think of myself as just your employee, while I write your vision, I become your best friend, your confidant, your accomplice in your mission to bring your best face forward, making your business an online success.  I only want to see you succeed because that means I have succeeded.  The better relationship we have is only going to better the content of the writing I do for you.  If you are searching for the perfect ally to do your research, design the perfect pitch and give beauty to the words placed on your site, edit the prose with which you entrust me, and make sure that you have prime SEO techniques to give you top ranking in social media forums, you need to befriend your local Content Writer today.

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Inspiration is the key to all success.  Without it there is no passion.  If there is no passion, then there is no desire, and without desire there is no fire.  It is vital that one take interest in what they do for happiness sake and true progression.  Success for another may come from your inspiration and that motivation will fuel your next level of achievement.  #BeInspiredtoInspire   After finding what you are passionate about and pursuing how to make your desires a reality, the next step is to find what inspires you.  It is within the things that influence you in a positive manner, from making exercise a priority to eating your favorite food, it can come from starting at the sunrise or a twilight walk amongst the stars.  The point is that it can be simple things that don’t require much time, money, or effort but if they bring you joy and inspiration then incorporate them into your daily life.  Live to not only be inspired but to inspire in some small way, all that your encounter.  Success begets success and in such we help each other make the world a better place.  #LiveYourDesire


Social Media

In this process of marketing myself so that I can promote my book, I have gone back to the platforms of social media sites long forgotten to breathe new life into updated profiles.  This brings me to ask; What are your favorite, can’t live without, social media sites?  What are the sites that you don’t care about anymore or haven’t even attempted to use?  I can say that there are sites out here that I did not even know existed and I thought myself savvy on at least being “in the know” even if I never tried it.  I know that people tend to use various sites for different reasons, or to connect with different genres, but when are we “too plugged in?”  It is true that with the push of a button you can now post once and connect to multitude of sites simultaneously but to not be viewed as just a poster, never connecting to your followers, it is important to visit the site and read, comment, like, and share.  All of this takes time.  Time that we are not interacting with the real world, with people right in front of us everyday, the little people that see us, hear their stories while typing or reading at our laptops or phones.  I used to be very guilty of this, especially when I was going to school and doing homework.  I am better now, but know that it still happens more often than not, and I know it happens to many of you too.  So today I challenge each of you to take a moment and turn away from the screen and don’t just hear the person in front of you talking, but truly listen to them.  Look at their facial expression as they speak, and if it is one of those little people, see the smile in their eyes as they know you really see them.  Then tell me about it, as you share your favorite or least favorite social media site! Be it #facebook #google+ #instagram #twitter

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