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Category: Boys

Superbowl 50

how-to-watch-super-bowl-headI watched the Superbowl yesterday for many reasons.  One being that I’m a NinerGirl and it was held in our stadium, I take pride in all that relates to my team.  I also made it an ever because it was Superbowl 50 and that will never happen again. It was a historic event,  a moment in history that my children will remember.  When Superbowl 75 comes around my adult children will recollect what they did for Superbowl 50 and although they were not fully into the game, they will remember the company, the food, the experience of the day.  I don’t expect that they will be the diehard football fan their mother is, but I encourage it and they will atleast be educated in the rules of the game.

I see a correlation between the players as a team, as opponents with that of friends and family.  As a single mom with four sons, we have to work together as a team to make it through our days.  Chores are shared, everyone has a job to do but it works better when we are in sync because one person cannot carry the team alone.  This is true in their sibling relationships as well.  They stand stronger when they know they can rely on one another.  Learning this in a family dynamic, they can take it and apply it to their outside friendships too.  They have had to learn that on occasion someone makes a mistake and there is a flag on the play.  This penalty can be costly and there are consequences. It can be easy to want to give up and walk away, but that affects the team.  The best choice is to accept the call and play on, unless you can throw a challenge flag.  This doesn’t always work, but each situation is different and should be evaluated for fairness. I think that we often jump to conclusions, feelings get hurt, people get defensive and nothing is solved.  If we communicate as teammates, we can work through difficult encounters and maybe even turn them into positive learning lessons.

For what it’s worth, I enjoyed the game. I was surprised by the performance of the Panthers after their unbeatable success all season,  but that is part of the reason I love football. Anything can happen and it’s never really over until it’s over!

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Rainy Days


I woke up to the sound of rain and snuggled further under my covers, reminiscing about the simple pleasure of lazy, rainy, days.  Enjoying the cooler weather, the sound of rain hitting the window panes, curled up with a warm drink, cozy blanket, and a great book or movie.  However that was not to be on my agenda for the day because the boys did not have school and were already beginning to make sounds of boredom and hunger.  Breakfast solved the hunger pains and created a false sense of quiet, that I quickly took advantage of as I made my way to the patio with a cup of coffee to enjoy the much needed rain in the Central Valley.  The tracking device installed in every mother alerting her offspring that she is currently enjoying alone time brought the children outdoors, but I did not mind the interruption of peace as I saw the awe in their face as I granted permission for them to play in the rain.  The youngest ran to tell his older brothers to come jump in the puddles, which they did with such abandonment and delight, I was envious.  Reminded me of days past and the joy in the simple life.  They did not need TV or video games to be occupied, they played for an hour with one another, using their imagination to make up games.  The six year old even mentioned how the rain was good for California because we were in a drought, and how he had missed the rain, serving to restore my faith that he is being well educated.  A few minutes later, however, he came to tell me how the homeless were all able to get free showers today if they had some soap.  All are inside now but still playing well with each other, as I contemplate what soup or stew I should make on this rare rainy day, and thanking God for reminding me that some days we all just need to Dance in the Rain with the innocence of a child.  And just to keep it ‘Real,’ I currently  hear the discussion of what video game should be played happening in the playroom, which means an argument will soon ensue as one or two don’t get their way, and the tattle tales begin with that old faithful call of “Mom….. they won’t let me Play……”

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