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Author: Autumn Brooke

Autumn Brooke was born at George Air Force Base in Victorville, California. She then spent the next 35 years of her life travelling the world being a military dependent and an active duty member herself. Exploration and adventure developed in to a life passion, but when she is unable to take herself physically away, she learned to escape through writing and create her own adventures. What started out as a personal hobby turned into a career of sharing her words with the world. As the mother of four little boys, children's literature is a genre that comes naturally to her, but historical fiction is a personal favorite.

The Road Less Traveled


We spend our days complaining about how difficult our lives are and why it is that we always take the path less traveled.  It is because without complications to overcome, we do not appreciate the blessings in our life.  We need that sense of accomplishment, but is it because we don’t feel that we deserve for good things to happen to us, if we didn’t earn them?  I would like to think that isn’t the case, but as I have contemplated why I make things so difficult for myself, I believe it is because deep down, I need to feel that I worked hard for the good things in my life.  I don’t want to say anything was ever handed to me, we have an infinity for the underdog, those that have come from the bottom up.  Is it a matter of respect?  Is that fair?  Just because you come from “nothing,” that makes you more deserving for the amenities life has to offer?  That is absolutely not true, because somewhere along the way, someone in that family did work hard for the blessing and benefits.  This occurred to me as I was teaching the boys that they needed to work harder if they wanted a reward.  This could be allowance, dessert, a trip to the park.  The chores need to be done, good grades on homework, ect.  I won’t stop telling them this, because that is just the way life works, but does this mean that I am also instilling this belief that they will need to take the harder path because that will make them more deserving of life’s blessings?  My hope is that they learn the meaning of hard work, and that they won’t shy away from a complicated situation but that I will also one day be accomplished enough to give them things that I haven’t been able to over the years.  I do not want for them to feel that those things are less worthy simply because they feel that they weren’t earned.  However, with all that being said, I do think that the road less traveled, takes us on adventures that bring meaning to our life.  Challenges us in ways that keep us constantly moving forward and striving for bigger and better.

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A Late Mother’s Day Tribute

Yesterday was Mother’s Day, and it was the second year without my mom, and the third I spent as a single mother.  It was a day I think that I always took for granted before my life turned upside down because now I see this day in a completely different light.  There was no mother’s day brunch for me, no breakfast in bed, or fancy dinner, but there was laundry, cat litter, and a multitude of left overs to choose from.  I am not too proud to say that I did have myself a pity party as I saw the social media posts of people spending time with their mother and then home to the loving arms of their husband and children that spoiled these deserving mothers with gratitude and appreciation.  However, today I can say that I know I was not the only one to have these feelings yesterday and they are not wrong or right, but simply what is…..  Being a mother is one of the best jobs ever, but also one of the most thankless and that is okay, because one day my little boys will be grown men and will remember the sacrifices that I made.  I hope that the time, energy, love, and support I provide them with, strengthen their characters into men that know the meaning of self sacrifice and commitment.  Mother’s Day was about all who are emotionally invested in another human being, nurturing them on this miraculous journey we call life.  Single Fathers, Single Mothers, Birth Parents, Adoptive Parents, Teachers, Friends, Relatives, all can take on the mothering role that some may not have experienced until they were adults.  Life is not fair, and as I missed my mother because her presence is no longer on earth, others missed a mother that they may never have known.  It is a celebration of dedication and commitment to the well being of another person.  Happy Mother’s Day to one and all!

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The First of Many to Come……..

frontcover This is it, my first real blog, my first real published book!  Seems ironic that I am to begin it all on Mother’s Day, just returning from a visit at the Queen Mary where I have submitted my book for review to see if it will be selected to grace the shelves of their gift shops.  I am hopeful as it was well received to those I shared it with and there were no other children’s books displayed.  I am in the process of writing a children’s book series and a novel about the War Brides that traveled on the Queen Mary in WWII which is how this simple scrapbook like children’s story came about.  I hope that you will follow me and hear what I have to share on a daily or bi-weekly basis.  I will try to stay short and to the point, as I tend to ramble when sharing a thought, or venting about one of my four boys.  Please feel free to share whatever you feel relevant.

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